

Talents Sarajevo Call for Entries 2018

The call for entries for aspiring film professionals from Southeast Europe and the Southern Caucasus to participate in Talents Sarajevo, held within the framework of the 24th Sarajevo Film Festival, is now open.

Application deadline: 15 May, 2018.

Apply here


Taking place from 11 to 16 of August, Talents Sarajevo 2018 welcomes up-and-coming actors, cinematographers, directors, editors, film critics, producers, and screenwriters from Southeast Europe (Albania, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Bulgaria, Croatia, Cyprus, Greece, Hungary, Kosovo, Macedonia, Malta, Moldavia, Montenegro, Romania, Serbia, Slovenia, and Turkey) and Southern Caucasus (Armenia, Azerbaijan, and Georgia).

Founded in collaboration with the Berlin International Film Festival and Berlinale Talents, over the past eleven years Talents Sarajevo has become the regional hub for meeting and training of aspiring film professionals. The twelfth edition offers a rich summit programme of master classes, moderated talks, and interactive panel discussions, complemented by project labs, studio programmes, and workshops.

The Freedom of Chaos

As filmmakers, as artists, and fundamentally as storytellers, it is our place to make order out of chaos – to create narratives that help us make sense of our world, to persuade, to lead, to be heard. By extension, it is for us to determine the models that will allow us to accomplish our noble task. There are tried-and-true structures in place, built by those who have gone before us – but received knowledge is always to be questioned, and making chaos out of order can bring about new and perfect synthesis.

We seem to be living today amid great disorder – in a world where violence, deception, and greed have bastardized models of solidarity, compassion, and understanding. But there is hope: worn-out and irrelevant structures are being challenged; new models are rising on the rubble of the old. Indeed, scandal and outrage in our film industry have inspired an international movement that is allowing previously silenced voices to be heard and listened to.

Emerging filmmakers must persist in asking what models are needed if they are to tell their stories. Do models of creativity need to be retooled to catch up with perpetually evolving technology? Are there better ways to make work when faced with shrinking funding sources with more hands held out seeking backing? Audience appetites are constantly changing; what can be done to satisfy the hunger? Making and viewing films is a communal experience, and one that is predicated on collaboration. What uncharted territory can we explore to find new ways of working together, of sharing knowledge, and of exchanging expertise across borders?

For more information and to submit an application, please click here.



Talents Administration,

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